Senin, 26 Desember 2011

Komunikasi Organisasi Di Dalam Jaman Internet

Process basic to effective communication

1. Sender Barriers
2. Encoding Barriers
3. Messager Barrier
4. Medium Barrier
5. Decoding Barriers
6. Receiving Barriers
7. Feeback Barriers.

The Unique Individual

1. SELF ESTEEM : Evaluasi diri seseorang ( one`s overall self-evaluation)

Self Exteem Pillars :

1. Live Conciously
2. Be Self Accepting
3. Take Personal Responsibility
4. Be Self Assertive
5. Live Purposefully
6. Have Personal Integrity


Is A person`s belief about his or her chances of succesfully accomplishing a specific talk.

Behavioural Pattern

- Be Active
- Manage The Situation
- Set Goals
- Plan, Prepare, Practice
- Creativity Solve Problems
- Learn From Set Back`s
- Visualize Success
- Limit Stress

Development Relationship Strength

Development Relationship Strenght

Evidence from Organizational Culture Research

1. Organizational cullture was significantly correlated with employee attitudes and behaviour

2. Congruence between and individual`s values and the organization`s values was associated with organizational commitment, job satisfaction, intetntions to quit and turnover

3. Organizational culture did not predict a company financial performance

4. Mergers Frequently failed due to incompatible cultures.

Empat Fungsi Budaya Organisasi

Empat Fungsi Budaya Organisasi

Budaya Organisasi

Suatu set value atau nilai di atur bersama yang di miliki satu kelompok serta menerima dan melaksanakan serta bereaksi terhadap lingkungan yang berbeda-beda

Understanding Organizational Culture

1. Antacedents
- Founders Value
- Infustry dan Business Environment
- National Culture
- Senior Leader`s Vision and Behaviour

2. Organiisation Culture

- Observabel artifact

- Exposes Values

-Basic Assumption

3. Organizational structurize practice

- Reward System
- Organizational Design

4. Group and Social Process

- Socialization
- Mentoring
- Decision Making
- Group Dynamic
- communication
- Influence and Enpowerment
- Leader ship

5. Collective attitudes and Behaviour

- Work Attitudes
- Job Satisfaction
- Motivation


Culture is asset of beliefs in value about what is desirable and undesireable in a community of people and a set of formal and informal practices to support the values.

Cultural Influences

Etnocentrism is the belief that one`s native country , culture, language, and modes of behaviour are superior to all others

High and Low Cultural Context

Cultural Dimensions From the Globe Project

- Power Distance
- Uncertainty Avoidance
- Societal Collectivism
- In Group Collectivism
- Gender Egalitarianism
- Assertiveness
- Future Orientation
- Performance Orientation
- Human Orientation